Integrating B cell lineage information into statistical tests for detecting selection in Ig sequences
Below are the IgHG seqeunces and simulated lineage tree data used in the Uduman M et al (2013) paper.
IgHG sequences from an healthy individual (Right Click > Save link as)
These IgHG sequences were used in the generation of Figure 5 of the manuscript.
- Simulated lineages (BCLR)
The simulated lineage trees are represented using the following modified Newick notation: (~node information~(daughters information)) and so on recursively.
The first node is the "germline sequence node", which starts '~',
followed by the number of sequences that are un-mutated, then ':0:0:0:0'
Each node starts with the '~',
followed by the number of sequences that are observed. If it is an inferred node then the number is 0.
Following that are the number of CDR_R, CDR_S, FWR_R and FWR_S mutations separated by a ':'.