The Change-O suite consists of four integrated software packages:
- Change-O CTL: A set of commandline tools for performing various post-processing operations on germline alignment results.
- alakazam: An R package for lineage reconstruction and diversity analysis.
- shazam: An R package for analyzing selection and mutation profiles.
- tigger: An R package for genotyping and polymorphism inferrence.
Commandline Tools (CLT)
Current version
The Change-O CLT package has been restructured into a proper Python package and converted to Python 3.4 for v0.3.0.Change-O CLT 0.3.2
Latest development (unstable) builds:
Available on Bitbucket
See the file within the package.
Previous versions
- Change-O CLT 0.3.1
- Change-O CLT 0.3.0
- Change-O CLT 0.2.4
- Change-O CLT 0.2.3
- Change-O CLT 0.2.2
- Change-O CLT 0.2.1
alakazam R package
alakazam 0.2.3Installation:
> install.packages("alakazam_0.2.3.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")
Latest development (unstable) builds:
Available on Bitbucket
Previous versions
shazam R package
shazam 0.1.2Latest development (unstable) builds:
Available on Bitbucket
First, install the alakazam R package as described above.
> install.packages("shazam_0.1.2.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")
Previous versions
tigger R package
Available from the TIgGER wesbiteInstallation:
> install.packages("tigger_v2.1.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")
Further instructions and methodological details can be found at the TIgGER website.